AOA Coaching Institute 

A 9-month Facilitation & Business training for coaches ready to uplevel their skills, call in more clients, and scale with ease.


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You’re ready to…


  • Learn how to masterfully guide your clients into transformation and let your results speak for themselves.
  • Upgrade your mindset and inner work skills from cookie-cutter to life-changing status.
  • Uphold ethics in your coaching practice to create trust, not cause harm, and serve your clients in a big way.
  • Know how to safely hold and process trauma when it arises while remaining in your scope of practice.
  • Increase your referrals and client retention to experience more ease in business growth.
  • Feel more equipped in sessions, knowing you have a full range of potent tools to support clients through all kinds of situations.
  • Stand out in the sea of online coaches through thought leadership, impactful testimonials, and expertise.
  • Scale your business and reach more people while living a balanced, adventure-filled life.


Yes, I'm Ready!

You’re comfortable working with clients, but…

♀ You’ve only been using intuitive practices and leading sessions from your life’s experience so far (Aka You don’t have the skills to guide clients with different life experiences than your own).

♀ You use methods you’ve seen other coaches use without really knowing the foundations.

♀ You’ve had big ups and downs with your client results, and you’re not exactly sure why.

♀ You don’t have a revolving door of referrals coming in hot and ready to work with you.

♀ You don’t want to harm or mislead clients through a lack of skill or ability to navigate challenging situations.

Hey, I’m Jenelle…

I’ve been studying and practicing Inner work, somatics, trauma, and relationships for years. 

Over the past 7 years, I’ve facilitated large women’s groups, had a full 1:1 practice, launched many offers, and created a top 5% podcast. I’ve scaled to multiple 6 figures and traveled around the world. My business has been built from referrals and powerful testimonials. 

I won’t lie. It didn’t come easy.

When I first started, my self doubt creeped into everything I did and I held myself back. I knew success was on the other side of my self doubt, but holding myself through it felt impossible at times.

Once I began supporting clients in changing their lives, my confidence grew. Through expanding my skillset, I felt more and more trusting of myself and the work I am doing in the world.

It is from this place that my business bloomed. I built communities, created big impact and grew as a human along the way.

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Your heart is in the right place


You know what a client wants and the steps they need to take to get there.

You just need effective Inner Work skills to support clients through the sticky blocks and patterns that get in the way.


When it comes to mindset and inner work, journal prompts and affirmations are cute, but…

Reality-shifting techniques that have your clients become a puddle of goo while limitless possibility becomes their new frame of mind… is where it's at.

Through it all, here’s what I know…


♀ The steps you give your clients will only work if their unconscious mind is willing to come along for the ride. Their unconscious mind usually isn’t along for the ride, so they are stuck. Have you had a client that keeps bringing the same struggle to you, week after week? You tried to offer them all your tools and exercises, yet they don't move forward… That’s where these new superhero skills will elevate your coaching method and create a ripple of change throughout your clients’ lives.


♀ Knowledge is empty until applied. You can read all the books and study all the courses, but you can’t be a powerful coach or guide until you’ve had practice and experiential learning.

If you help someone change their life, they will hype you up to so many people…. And those people will come running to work with you (I still get clients referring people to me years after they finished their container).

If you want to charge premium rates for your work, you must match that rate with quality work and the ability to help change your clients' lives. You aren’t 100% responsible for what your clients make of it, but you must give them effective tools to support their growth.

Having the right systems and business strategy will make your life easier. There are 100 things you could spend your time on, but likely only 1-2 things will grow your business the most. 


That’s where the Art of Alchemy comes in.

How It Works

Step 1

Personal Process

Learning Inner Work & Shadow Work teachings and self-applying so you can take your clients deeper (and wildly grow as a human cause that’s why you’re here in the first place)

  • Receive in-depth training on all things Psyche and pattern formation. Understand your own patterns and what is needed for healing. Uncover your biggest projections so you prevent yourself from ‘putting it onto clients’.
  • Uncover your relationship patterns and connect the dots to your family system.
  • Deepen your connection to your own body and nervous system.
  • Experience your own healing journey (advanced personal growth work) to be the best facilitator you can be.

Step 2

Client & Mentor Dynamics

Understand the nuances of client relationships. Learn how to not project onto your clients. Learn how to ask powerful questions and guide clients into massive ‘ah-hah’ moments.

  • Learn about complex client –> mentor dynamics and how to create a safe space.
  • Learn how to avoid projecting onto your clients to ensure their wellbeing.
  • Learn how to guide your clients into their own realizations. (This is the only way they will experience true change)

Step 3

Methodologies of Transformation​

Learn the foundations and advanced models of Inner Child Work, Somatic Work, Resolution Practices, Shadow Work and more. (AKA become a equipped, effective and confident healer)

  • Learn my signature MIND –> BODY –> INTEGRATION model so you can empower your clients to make changes in their lives.
  • Become confident in handling any situation that may arise in session.
  • Practice these methods and techniques live to receive direct feedback, support and guidance from myself.

Step 4

Program Development & Referral Strategy​

Based on all the teachings, I’ll show you how to craft a transformational program to guide your clients in your speciality. I’ll also give you strategies to get referrals so your business grows organically.

  • You will have call plans, a module plan and tools/exercises. You will feel confident guiding sessions with all of this to lean upon, not to mention the ease of marketing when you have a program that meets your clients conscious and unconscious needs.


Business and Marketing Training!

Ready to learn heart-centered, advanced sales and marketing practices that will grow your business without burnout?

I was there. Burnout isn’t fun, and the energy transfers to your business. We ain’t about it.

  • Learn or revisit foundational principles of business: Niching, messaging, and marketing so you can scale your business with clarity.
  • Advanced training on thought leadership: Podcasting training and  collaborations so you can get into your zone of genius and love what you do.
  • Advanced training on funnel creation, audience building, and leveraging group offers that maintain their integrity and potency.
  • Get your energy right so you can hold more clients without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Create passive income so you can have more downtime, create accessible offers and make money while sleeping.

Case Studies

Hear from graduates of the program

"I definitely feel more confident working with any type of client. And I think that's a big gap in for most people in the coaching industry, where they only know how to work with people who are similar to them. You can come from a very strong place, knowing that you can hold a huge range of people. That feels really good to be able to do that."

- Johanna, Inner Work Guide


When the Facilitation training came out, I wanted to jump in because I was getting good results for my clients with the mindset work, but I hadn't had any training on how to go deeper. I wanted to learn the tools that you used to help me absolutely change my life with my clients (Nikki worked with me personally years back). I gained the confidence to be able to facilitate a really in-depth workshop because of the tools you provided me with.

Every single one of my clients says not only does their business change but their entire life changes. One of my client’s husband popped his head into the screen one day, and he's like… "I just want to thank you for what you do because I'm feeling the benefits of it, too."
- Nikki, Money Coach, CPA


I was always confident working with clients, but I always felt like there was a depth that was missing. I was doing a lot of journaling, meditations, affirmations, and it was only getting my clients to a certain point in their journey. I wanted to learn how to get past that hump that we kept reaching.

I personally was able to release a jealousy that I had been holding onto for 15 years by doing a somatic practice with myself, based on the concepts that you shared in this program.

I’m seeing results with my clients I’ve never seen before. I feel like I have magic that I’m able to share with others now.

- Jesse, Somatic Embodiment Healer


Art Of Alchemy

Learn methods of transformation, create your signature process, and elevate your work through potent testimonials and referrals.

This mentorship is designed for the woman who knows how much she has to offer and is ready to take her work to the moon. You’ll be guided into new levels of possibility within your work and craft. Your clients will be blown away by how far you’re able to take them. You’ll continue building your empire while still enjoying life. You’ll receive what I learned in 6 years of intensive study, practice, and experience, in 6 months.

Together we will shape a signature offering that defies the norms of this industry and makes you a sought-out leader. You’ll also be supported in executing a business plan that nourishes your spirit and bank account. No more saying yes to everyone and everything - it’s time to hone your skills, serve your dream clients, and have a ton of fun while you’re at it.

Here’s more goodness that you’ll get from the program…


♀ You’ll be guided through working through your own blocks at the same time so you can have the magic touch of getting your clients through similar patterns. Talk about a win-win.

You’ll learn about holding both 1:1 and group offers and how to ensure your clients get powerful results in group programs.

The ability to ‘read between the lines’ of what a client is saying to know what they truly need. (aka, pick up on their unconscious themes and offer them the right protocol).

Knowing when it’s right to work with someone and when it’s best to refer them elsewhere (Ie. when they need therapy or other mental health support instead of coaching).

Setting up rituals within your work that will set your soul on fire when you go to write copy, work with clients, or work on your business (Hello, easeful, fun, and exciting work).

A fun and expansive range of strategies you can play with to increase sales and build your audience.

Supportive frameworks for program creation: Know how to validate your offers before spending hours creating them.

Tons of practice and experiential learning with my support and feedback every-step of the way. No more trying to figure it all out alone!

I Need This

What's included:

  • 6 months of weekly 1.5 hour long sessions with Jenelle where you'll have hands on practice with the methods.
  • Weekly modules to help support your theoretical understanding and prepare you for the live trainings.
  • A resource library full of Inner Work processes for your own growth & to learn how to guide some of the sessions.
  • Business resources and tools for all things foundations and scaling (Marketing and messaging, copywriting, social media, scaling, hiring a team, advanced platforms & podcast training).
  • 3 x post intensive integration sessions where I'll support you in your client work (spread out over 3 months).
  • Monthly business masterminds led by Jenelle and guest experts.
  • Daily support through a community chat platform where you can ask Jenelle questions and connect with the other women in the training.

*Once you submit your application we’ll have a consultation call scheduled. On this call, I’ll ask you questions to ensure you are a fit, and if you are, I’ll extend an invitation. You will only be able to join once we have had this call.

Join The Waitlist - New Round Beginning Spring 2024

Be the first to be in the know and get early bird discounts!

More Results


“I can now move forward and take steps in my business because, prior to that, the lack of confidence was really slowing me down.” 

– Barbra J 
“The program helps you develop your own intuition, which is very unique because it's not just theoretical learning. It's very much of the applied skills, and it empowers you to take that theory and come up with your own processes. You have such a sense of confidence leaving the program.”

– Barbra J 
"Thank you for restoring my faith in the coaching industry”

– Alex Z 

This program is for you if…

  • You’re devoted to this work. This ain’t a side passion or a career path you are considering.
  • You’re an action-taker, and you love learning. You show up to calls on time and put in the work!
  • You enjoy nerding out on psychology, somatic work, and shadow work and are stoked to learn more (or at least open to it 🤓).
  • You take ownership - you know the power of your choices and mind and understand that you’re in the driver's seat of your own life!

This program is not for you if…

  • You aren’t ready to take action on what I give you or you want someone to do the work for you (I’ll give you the frameworks, practice, tools, and resources, but it’s on you to put it into action and make it happen).
  • You’re purely in it to make money, and you see coaching as a quick and easy way to do that.
  • You’re unwilling to check your unconscious biases and blocks and be lovingly called out and guided through your shit.


The best teachers, guides, coaches, and healers are successful because they’ve traversed their inner landscapes and know what it feels like to rise from the ashes.

In this training, you’ll have firsthand experience being guided through the processes you’ll learn to take others through.

This sets your skills apart and allows you to continue evolving through the entrepreneurial and space-holder journey.

Frequently asked questions