Free Training...


For women who are ready to end people-pleasing and overgiving. Learn to stand in your power and get your needs met in relationship.

Only available for a limited time


You're tired of this...

  • Resentment: overcommitting to other’s needs results and feeling undervalued.
  • Lack of assertiveness: Being unable to assert your needs, opinions, and boundaries can lead to feeling disconnected and faulting to passive-aggressive communication (which gets in the way of having healthy relationships)
  • Relationship Struggles: Without boundaries, you may find yourself in one-sided relationships that feel more draining than replenishing. 
  • Low self-prioritization: When your energy is spent on others, you miss out on personal opportunities, happiness, growth, and success. 
  • Fearing hurting others: As an empathetic person, you likely fear saying no or setting a boundary because you worry about how it will affect others. In the long run, this harms your relationships more than it helps.

You're ready to...

  • Speak up for yourself confidently, and stop questioning your needs.
  • Set loving boundaries so you can free up time and space for what really matters.
  • Stop holding resentment in relationships so you can have more depth, passion, and play.
  • Reclaiming your time and energy so you can create the life you know you’re meant to live.
  • Embody a “don’t fuck with me” energy while still being your loving and nurturing self.

Boundaries are the bridge from where you are now to creating fulfilling relationships.


Who you're becoming in the process is someone who Values yourself.

If you're finally ready to put yourself first and learn how to assert your needs, then Valued is for you.


Inside I'll be sharing the framework that took me 6 years of studying and practicing to learn.

I’m here to show you an easier way.

 ...With less guilt, overthinking and difficult reactions from others.

I used to freeze when I needed to set a boundary with someone. I couldn't even accept a ride from someone when my destination was on their way. I did everything myself and thought that was a good thing.

It took me years to finally see and admit how burnt out I was. It wasn't until I began doing somatic work and had the right integration practices to feel safe saying no, receiving and asking for my needs to be met.

Now I have relationships that feel balanced and reciprocal. I finally feel safe to say what's on my mind and say NO when I don't have space to say yes to something.

I'll show you how inside Valued. 



"I came in not knowing what my truth or my boundaries were, and Jenelle helped me find clarity around those integral pieces of my self-development journey. She also helped me find my voice to speak that truth, set those boundaries, and take up space."

- Sunny

"After years of self doubt, hiding, people pleasing and not knowing myself, I've now learnt to set boundaries, connect with myself and foster better relationships. It's amazing how much growth I've seen in myself through this work. I'm so proud of how far I've come."

- Kendall

"Before, I was in relationships that weren't right for me out of fear of abandonment or thinking I could fix people. After doing this work with Jenelle, I fearlessly walked away. If you want to change patterns, release guilt and shame, this work is for you."

- Rand


Here’s what you’ll learn:

Step 1

The mistakes most people are making when they try to set boundaries, and how it's impacting their relationships.

Step 2

The 5 key steps to set guilt-free boundaries and become more assertive and confident.

Step 3

Discovering who you truly are once you reclaim your energy and time. No more losing yourself in others and feeling unsure of what you need.

You’ll be a good fit for this masterclass if…


♀ You're tired of overgiving and caretaking others.

♀ You know you need more boundaries but no matter how much you try to will yourself, you can't seem to make progress.

♀ You’re open to looking inward and are ready to make a change (with the right help).

♀ You take ownership and understand that change begins from within you.